This website is intended to be the hub for the DragonBlooded Exalted Campaign I am running, it is very much a WIP

Ledaal Gerrik

Ledaal Gerrik is a magistrate, he's known for his paranoia and anti social behaviour. Many beleived him to be born too mentally abnormal to exalt.

Discovered Intimacies:

Tepet Arada

Tepet Arada was once house Tepet's greatest general. After his disastrous defeat against the Bull of the North in RY 765 he has become a shell of his former self and spends his days drinking in recluse at his Manse in Lord's Crossing.

Discovered Intimacies:

Tepet Rika

Tepet Arada's great-neice, she handles the day to day administration of Lord's Crossing since he is otherwise occupied.

Discovered Intimacies: